Anne MacVarish
November 06, 1953 - June 11, 2021

Obituary for Anne MacVarish
Anne MacVarish, a dedicated, hardworking single mom and nurse beloved by all her patients died June 11 at 67 after raising a lot of hell. Four years ago she was given six months to live. Anne defied the odds which was unsurprising to anyone who ever encountered her stubbornness, as defiance was part of her DNA.
Anne was the third of John and Helen MacVarish’s nine children. She loved her large Scottish-Irish family. She left school at 15 to attend Woodstock. She came home three years later having missed the show but not the fun. She did attend many concerts and her biggest regret was not dancing with Mick Jagger.
She drifted but was not adrift. She earned a GED, a nursing degree, a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree. She excelled at school, finding a true passion for education, and became a force to reckon with at Milton Hospital, where she held many jobs including LPN, RN, and Nurse Manager. She prided herself on her ability to educate the staff, mostly off the record with colorful language.
She was colorful and shocking in myriad ways, not least of which was evidenced by her gardens, vibrant and stunning wherever she was living, filled to the brim with zinnias, morning glories, dahlias, sweet peas, and more. A delight to all the neighbors, bees and butterflies.
She was a paradox, able to easily disarm and alarm in the same breath. She was incredibly welcoming yet brutally honest. She could charm the host of a party about a deliciously prepared meal and openly snark if they ate too much of it.
She fought for years through a brutal cancer diagnosis. She started a small business, loved her grandchildren (and everyone else’s!), and lent an ear and an opinion to anyone who called her. She was a wonderful, solid friend and mother. She prepared a “special people to call when she passed” list which included 175 nurses, dog-walking buds, and an ex-boyfriend. So many great stories.
She is survived by her only child Lisa MacVarish Pizzi, son-in-law Eric Pizzi, her beloved grandchildren Scarlett and Grayson Pizzi, an expansive family, hundreds of friends, and countless grateful patients.
Anne MacVarish (11/6/53-6/11/21). May her memory be a blessing.
Anne will be honored with a Celebration of Life to be held on Tuesday evening, September 21, 2021 on World Gratitude Day.
In lieu of flowers please consider contributions to the newly formed Anne MacVarish Nursing Education Fund, founded to continue her legacy of patient-centered care and sharp nursing skills. These contributions can be made by visiting or by check made payable to “Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital-Milton” with “In Memory of Anne MacVarish” in the memo line. Please mail to Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital-Milton, Office of Philanthropy, 199 Reedsdale Rd, Milton, MA 02186. (
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